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    FREJA creates awareness about our whistleblower program

    FREJA Whistleblower program

    At FREJA we assign a high priority to our responsibilities and this is an integral part of the way we do business. This means that accountability and propriety are keywords in our business development and branding.

    FREJA has committed to ensuring sustainability, high business morals and ethics, as well as complete integrity. We are aware that there are different business cultures around the world and that we must, therefore, be able to handle both Danish and international regulations.

    We do anti-corruption training, where we explain ethical rules to employees. No employee may take bribes in the form of gifts, loans or fees. We will set in motion initiatives to ensure that all employees be­come aware of and accept the whistleblower scheme during the introductory course at FREJA. The whistleblower scheme was set up in 2018 and it allows for anonymous reporting of experi­ences and suspicions of problematic conditions in the Group. The solution guarantees anonymity when reporting. This is done via a login to the system, so we have better opportunities to obtain more details about what is reported.

    Access to the FREJA whist­leblower scheme is available via our website here: